R I P January 8, 1973 - Sept. 10, 2017 ****All images are available for FREE download. To download, go to gallery, click on Select Photos, click on the Download button. The images will download to your computer in a Zip Folder.****
This video sums him up http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/cityexposed/article/In-tight-times-Bubbles-still-comes-out-to-play-3689328.php
DJ Buckner Williams, a close friend, said that, “You always knew when Bubbles was in the room or in the building. He was larger than life but at the same time on a one-on-one level was one of the most dearest and compassionate people I knew. If Bubbles came to your party, you knew it was a good fucking party.” https://soundcloud.com/buckner/bubblesbuckner-july-8-2017